Introduction to the Musical Theatre Program

This Musical Theatre concentration is for students who desire a rigorous, conservatory-style, professionally-oriented education in musical theatre. Students must audition prior to entering the program and will be assessed in the areas of acting, voice and movement. Approximately 12 candidates will be invited into the B.F.A. program each year. Students who are not invited into the Musical Theatre program may be considered for the Acting and/or the Devised Theatre B.F.A. concentrations. Candidates who are not accepted into any of the three B.F.A. programs may opt for the B.A. in Theatre (which may include acting courses, physical theatre, musical theatre, directing, playwriting, design/production, theatre education and/or applied studies, based on the student’s interests). Visit the university catalogue for more information

Audition information

Thank you for your interest in the BFA Musical Theatre concentration at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF). We are a professionally-minded program that celebrates rigor, empathy, authenticity, creativity, diversity, and bravery in the art of synthesized storytelling through acting, music, and dance. We welcome you to our community of artists.


CSUF Musical theatre bfa program video



Program Overview 

We are a conservatory-style professional training program designed for individuals who wish to pursue performance careers in Musical Theatre, located in Southern California, twenty-six miles outside of Los Angeles. While our focus remains steadfast on the industry, we celebrate the whole artist — training inquisitive, empowered, unique, empathetic, and creative human beings capable of success in multiple arenas, within and without the entertainment industry.
The Musical Theatre program is one of three Theatre BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) concentrations offered at CSUF, alongside the Acting and Devised Performance/Physical Theatre concentrations. CSUF is also home to a diverse and thriving Theatre BA (Bachelor of Arts) program. 

Crew Duties 

Students must participate in 3 units of 278B/478B Production crew, which provides the opportunity for students to develop technical knowledge and observe the production process through participation in the technical development of a departmental production.

Student/Faculty Ratio


BFA Musical Theatre concentration students can expect varying student-faculty ratios based on subject matter and optimal learning conditions. However, most performance/studio classes boast an average 12:1 student-faculty ratio.

Our faculty consists of award-winning professional actors, directors, musicians, dancers, designers and more, with careers ranging from Broadway, off-Broadway, national tour, international tour, regional theatre, television, film, commercial, voiceover, and academia. You will study under professionals who have walked the very path you intend to walk, and who are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with you.

4th-Year New York City Experience/Showcase


The Musical Theatre BFA concentration culminates in an industry showcase in New York City for agents, managers, casting directors, alumni, and friends of the University. This experience is not only a professional networking opportunity but a celebration of each artist’s growth.

It is worth noting that patrons of CSUF generously provide the venue, reception, housing, and workshop costs (masterclasses with New York professionals) for this event. Students need only to provide their own transportation to and from the city.



Our alumni boast diverse careers across the entertainment industry (and beyond), including but certainly not limited to Broadway, off-Broadway, national and international tour, regional theater, film, television, and commercials. We are thrilled and honored by the professional achievements of our alumni within the industry as performing artists, but we are equally proud of our alumni whom have found success as teachers, marketers, CEOs, gig artists, church or cabaret singers, producers, directors, choreographers, casting assistants, front of house workers, union leaders, and so on.

A degree in Theatre is a pathway to limitless career potential within and beyond the entrainment industry itself. We celebrate all of these diverse pathways and all of our diverse alumni.


Q: What is the difference between the Theatre BA (Bachelor of Arts) and the Theatre BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts)?

A: The Theatre BA is a “choose your own adventure”-style Theatre degree with 120 required course units, while the Theatre BFA is a regimented conservatory-style degree with 132 required course units. Students in the BA degree do not have to audition to enter the program and can take courses in musical theatre (acting, singing, and dancing), acting, directing, technical theatre, design, theatre education, playwrighting, dramaturgy, and much more.

Students in the BFA degree must choose a specific concentration (Acting, Devised Performance/Physical Theatre, or Musical Theatre) and have very few electives due to the high impact of required courses in these specific fields. Importantly, no matter which degree type you choose, all Theatre & Dance students are eligible and encouraged to be cast in all campus productions.

Q: Do Theatre BA students have to audition before attending CSUF?

A: No, there is no audition requirement for the Theatre BA degree. Simply apply to the UniversityOpens in new window and state your intention to major in Theatre.

Q: Do Musical Theatre BFA students have to audition before attending CSUF?

A: Yes, the Musical Theatre program requires an audition via the Accept’d Opens in new window platform. Apply to the UniversityOpens in new window (on or before November 30), then submit your pre-screen videos on Accept’d Opens in new window .

Q: Does CSUF use the Common App or Accept’d? 

A: CSUF does not use the Common App. All CSU campuses use “Cal State Apply” so you may apply to multiple CSU schools with one application. The CSUF Musical Theatre program does, however, use Accept’d Opens in new window to process audition videos.

Q: How much does it cost to apply to CSUF?

A: There is a $70 application fee for the University, as well as a $30 application fee for Accept’d Opens in new window . Application fee waivers are available for students who can prove financial hardship (click here to view the CSU fee waiver program; please see the Accept’d Opens in new window site for details of their fee waiver.)

Q: How much does it cost to attend CSUF?

A: California residents can expect to spend under $30,000 in tuition for all four years of training at CSUF (less than $4,000 per semester). Out-of-state residents can expect to spend under $80,000 in tuition for all four years of training. Both of these numbers are highly competitive for BFA Musical Theatre programs, nationwide, and do not include room & board. For the most up-to-date information on tuition and other University costs, please see

Q: Does CSUF offer merit-based scholarships or work-study programs?

A: Due to the highly competitive price of CSUF’s tuition (one of the lowest tuition prices in the country), merit-scholarships for incoming Musical Theatre students are relatively rare. That said, there are need-based scholarships and work-study programs available to all CSUF students. Visit the CSUF Financial Aid websiteOpens in new window for more details.

Q: Is casting guaranteed for BFA Musical Theatre students?

A: Yes, each BFA student is required/guaranteed to perform in at least two (2) productions over their four years; however, BFA students are encouraged to audition for as many productions as possible during their time on campus. At CSUF, we believe that casting/auditioning is part of the training process; therefore, casting must be open and competitive in order to successfully prepare students for the industry, post-graduation. We also believe that students with industry- minded performance degrees (like a BFA) must perform; for this reason, we require/guarantee at least two (2) production casting opportunities. 

Q: Is casting guaranteed for BA Theatre students?

A: No, casting is open to all BA Theatre students, but is not guaranteed.

Q: Can BFA Musical Theatre students audition for plays and devised works (non- musicals)?

A: Yes, BFA students can audition and be cast in any/all CSUF campus productions. That said, CSUF is a NAST (National Association of Schools of Theatre) accredited program, which requires all BFA students to perform in at least one (1) production within their concentration (i.e. Musical Theatre BFA students must perform in at least one musical).

Q: How many students are accepted into the Musical Theatre BFA Program each year?
A: Approximately 12 students are offered placement in the MT program each year, this represents less than 10% of those who apply.

Q: Is there a “cut” system at CSUF?

A: No. Prior to the program auditioning pre-college, students were required to “jury” into the 3rd-year cohort, however, the “cut” system has since been completely dismantled. Today, once students are accepted into the Musical Theatre program, CSUF is committed to their training all the way to graduation and beyond!

Q: Does the Musical Theatre BFA program accept transfer students?

A: Yes. It is part of the mission of the California State University system to create a rigorous, community-driven, equitable, and accessible model of higher education — including higher education in the arts. We recognize and embrace the reality that the best and brightest young talents in our nation are not always those who can afford four years of private schooling. Likewise, some promising young actors may not be ready for the rigor of a four-year program immediately after high school, yet may blossom through their matriculation within a community college/two-year program. We at CSUF honor that young artists do not all grow or develop at the same pace. For this reason, we hope that our school may serve as a beacon — not only for the students whose talents manifested after high school, but for other colleges and universities who wish to truly create vibrant, diverse, accessible spaces for all young artists.

For these reasons and more, it is important for us at CSUF to maintain a bridge into our program(s) for transfer students.

Q: How many transfer students does the Musical Theatre program accept each year?

A: This depends on the pool of candidates and the current class roster, however, 1-2 transfers per year is an approximate average.

Q: Does CSUF allow late audition submissions (after Nov. 30)?

A: Yes and no. The University application deadline is Nov. 30, and this deadline is hard and final. Although the Musical Theatre program is flexible to receive late video submissions after this date, we are unable to consider any student who did not submit the University application prior to Nov. 30.

Therefore, late submissions will only be considered if/when space remains open after the initial auditions phase, and only if the student submitting the audition completed the University application by Nov. 30. For this reason, we strongly encourage all prospective students to submit their materials early, especially the University application.

Q: Is there a GPA requirement for the Musical Theatre BFA?

A: There is no GPA requirement for the program itself, however, there is a GPA requirement for the University, which the BFA program(s) must adhere to. In-state residents must achieve a high school GPA of 2.49 or higher, while out-of-state residents must achieve a high school GPA of 2.99 or higher.

Regardless of GPA standing, all students are encouraged to apply.

Q: What happens if I audition and don’t get in?

A: Good news! You will be welcomed into the Theatre BA program here at CSUF where you can continue to study acting, music, dance, and an array of adjacent disciplines as part of our wider Theatre Department community.

Freshman Auditions

BFA Musical Theatre (Freshman) • Audition Requirements


The first step in the audition process is to apply to the University itself.*



October 1-November 30, 2024:      
Application to     Cal State Apply     Opens in new window       Opens in new window as well as       video submissionsOpens in new window Opens in new window

Feb. 1-2, 2025:             In Person call backs. 

Feb. 8-9, 2025:               In Person call backs. 

Dates TBD:               Second BFA Auditions on campus 

August TBD:               Week before school starts 



All BFA programs require a video prescreen audition (for first years and transfers). Information regarding audition requirements, deadlines, and submission protocols can be found on the  Cal State Fullerton    Accept’d   Opens in new window   Opens in new window page.** 

To view the protocols for all BFA programs: Under "Start an Application" select "Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Theatre" > Guidelines (in the navigation above).

Any questions about the submission process can be directed       here.

For information about our program please visit the navigation links above.
Acceptance into the Musical Theatre program is contingent on acceptance into the University.

* There is a $70 application fee for CSUF. Students in need of financial assistance are encouraged to apply for a fee waiver.
** There is a $30 application fee for Accept’d. Students in financial need are encouraged to apply for a fee waiver.

Transfer Student Auditions

BFA in Musical Theatre (Transfer Students) • Information and Audition Requirements 

October 1-November 30, 2024:       Application to     Cal State Apply     Opens in new window       Opens in new window as well as       video submissionsOpens in new window Opens in new window

Feb. 1-2, 2025:               Virtual Call Backs 

Feb. 8-9, 2025:               In Person call backs. 

Dates TBD:               Second BFA Auditions on campus 

August TBD:               Week before school starts 

The information below addresses the specific needs of students wishing to transfer into the BFA Musical Theatre concentration at California State University, Fullerton. (If you are interested in any other Theatre degree emphasis/concentration, including the BA in Theatre, please see our   catalogOpens in new window   Opens in new window or call the Department of Theatre & Dance for appropriate referral: (657) 278- 7914.)

The BFA Musical Theatre concentration is a densely packed, 4-year course package that is difficult (but not impossible) to transfer in to due to the specificity of required courses in the first two years of the program.

For many prospective transfer students, the CSUF Theatre BA degree will be a more flexible — and equally exciting — option! Nonetheless, for those wishing to pursue the BFA concentration, the information below will get you started on the application and audition process.

Transfer Student: University Applications & Transfer Credit Evaluation

The first thing you must do is   applyOpens in new window   Opens in new window to the University.

Once you have applied, please email the Undergraduate Advisement Coordinator for Theatre, Professor   Marty Austin Lamar   for a transcript evaluation. This must be done well before auditioning. The Advisement Coordinator processes all transfer equivalency evaluations for Musical Theatre to evaluate whether your theatre, dance and music credits meet our required curriculum, thus clearing you to audition. It is very important to email a copy of your unofficial transcripts, and also the catalog descriptions and copies of course syllabi (if available) for courses that you believe to be equal to the CSUF BFA Musical Theatre concentration prerequisites.

Transfer Student Prerequisites


The following course work must be successfully completed (or nearly completed) before transfer students may audition for the BFA Musical Theatre concentration:

THTR 200: Script Analysis (or equivalent), with a grade of C or better (3 units).

• Study of scripts with emphasis on dramatic analysis and cultural significance.

THTR 160: Intro to Acting (or equivalent) with a grade of B- or better (3 units).

• Improvisation, movement, relaxation and characterization techniques for performance.

THTR 141A and 141B: Voice and Movement for the Stage (or equivalent) with a grade of B- or better (4 units total).

• Intensive training in the integral use of the voice and body for the actor; developing skills for vocal and physical relaxation, flexibility and strength. Introduction to basic anatomy and physiology.

THTR 240A and 240B: Acting II (or equivalent) with a grade of B- or better (6 units total).

• Improvisations, exercises and techniques of acting for the stage. Motivation and behavior
in characterization.

Additional course work that is strongly recommended (but not required) for Musical Theatre transfer candidates:

Ballet I & II (DANC 112 and 212)
Jazz I & II (DANC 132 and 232)
Tap I & II (DANC 142 and 242)
Music Theory for Non-Majors (MUS 101)
Basic Sight Reading and Ensemble Singing (THTR 181)
Fundamentals of Musical Theatre Performance (THTR 236A & 236B)
Two years of private voice lessons (THTR 193 and 293)

Transfer Student Video Submissions

All BFA programs require a video prescreen audition (for first years and transfers). Information regarding audition requirements, deadlines, and submission protocols can be found on the  Cal State Fullerton    Accept’d   Opens in new window   Opens in new window page.** 

To view the protocols for all BFA programs: Under "Start an Application" select "Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Theatre" > Guidelines (in the navigation above).

Any questions about the submission process can be directed here.

For information about our program please visit the navigation links above.
Acceptance into the Musical Theatre program is contingent on acceptance into the University.

* There is a $70 application fee for CSUF. Students in need of financial assistance are encouraged to applyOpens in new window   Opens in new window  for a fee waiver.
** There is a $30 application fee for Accept’d. Students in financial need are encouraged to apply for a fee waiver.

Transfer Student FAQ's

Q: Most major Musical Theatre programs don't accept transfer students. Why does CSUF?

A: It is part of the mission of the California State University system to create a rigorous, community-driven, equitable, and accessible model of higher education — including higher education in the arts. We recognize and embrace the reality that the best and brightest young talents in our nation are not always those who can afford four years of private schooling. Likewise, some promising young actors may not be ready for the rigor of a four year program immediately after high school, yet may blossom through their matriculation within a community college/two-year program. We at CSUF honor that young artists do not all grow or develop at the same pace. For this reason, we hope that our school may serve as a beacon — not only for the students whose talents manifested after high school, but for other colleges and universities who wish to truly create vibrant, diverse, accessible spaces for all young artists.

For these reasons and more, it is important for us at CSUF to maintain a bridge into our programs for transfer students.

Q: Should I audition as a transfer student?
A: The short answer is: Yes, of course!

The long answer is: the BFA Musical Theatre concentration is a densely packed, 4-year course package that is difficult (but not impossible) to transfer in to due to the specificity of required courses in the first two years of the program. If the audition/application process feels overwhelming to you in any way, we encourage you to seriously consider our slightly more flexible Theatre BA degree program. There are many ways to celebrate your love for theatre and receive a 4-year degree here at CSUF!

Q: What happens if I audition and don’t get in?
A: Good news! You will be welcomed into the BA Theatre program here at CSUF where you can continue to study acting, music, dance, and an array of adjacent disciplines as part of our wider Theatre Department community. You may also use your audition for the BFA Musical Theatre concentration to be considered for the BFA Acting or Devised Theatre concentrations.

Q: What happens if I audition and do get in?
A: Congrats! If you successfully pass the jury/audition, you will be given a schedule of classes to which you will be permitted to enroll (with the goal of timely completing the BFA course sequence). That permit guarantees you a seat in the BFA sections of performance courses. From here, simply follow the Musical Theatre course roadmap provided to you by your academic advisor, throw yourself into the work wholeheartedly, and enjoy the ride!

Q: How many transfer students does the Musical Theatre program accept each year?
A: This depends on the pool of candidates and the current class roster, however, 1-2 transfers per year is an approximate average.

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